Monday, February 5, 2007

Knitting! -- and also, comments requested

First, a fun pair of felted mittens that Andrea just finished. I don't think I managed to really do them justice -- they're really quite funky, but because of that cuff they're a little chunky at the bottom and that made them lie strangely. I'm not entirely thrilled with the results, but oh well.

Next, a funky sock that Andrea knit! She's making the matching one right now, I believe. I posted up two versions, one with a black background and one with a white background, so everyone could compare the two.

What I'd like from you folks is a comment telling me which of the two versions you like better, and why (if you know why). I have my own thoughts, but I'd prefer to hear other people's ideas.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I think the mittens look pretty neat, actually.

And despite the fact that I thought the white background would work better, the black is really more striking.